The Thanksgivukkabob

November 20, 2013

Author: OOGIAH

I did not realize what a big deal having Thanksgiving on the first day of Chanukah was going to be. Before I even heard the word “Thanksgivukkah,” I was thinking of ways to culinarily combine the two holidays. Little did I know there would be full websites, parties and t-shirts dedicated to this historical event! The most involved and inclusive dish I came up with includes combining foods from each holiday on a stick. In the ultimate homage to the holiday that is Thanksgivukkah, I give you: The Thanksgivukkabob!

From top to bottom:

-Jelly Donut Hole: I bought these from a local gourmet donut shop, but any will do.

-Corn Bread Pancake: I meant to make cornbread, but followed the recipe for pancakes, which actually ended up being great since pancakes are eaten on Chanukah. And my kids love pancakes any day.

-Boiled Sweet Potato Cube with honey, brown sugar and cinnamon: Sweet and savory.

-Turkey Meatloaf with Cranberry Sauce: This is recipe that my mom loves to bring when a new baby arrives. It freezes well and tastes great. So it’s Bubbie’s meatloaf!

-Potato Coconut Cumin Latke: I got the idea to add coconut from What Jew Wanna Eat.

-Another Sweet Potato Cube: Another splash of color!

-Canned Green Beans with lemon juice throughout the kabob: My husband loves canned green beans, and will eat them straight out of the can, with lemon, while camping.

The kabob contents can be dipped in cranberry sauce or applesauce and enjoyed!

This one kabob includes so many everyday and holiday family favorites. It is fun to make and eat!